Upcoming events.
Event - Monthly Potluck
Silverthreader monthly potluck is held at the South Fork community building @ 6:30pm on the third Tuesday of every month.
Event - Monthly Potluck
Silverthreader monthly potluck is held at the South Fork community building @ 6:30pm on the third Tuesday of every month.
Event - End of Summer Party
It's that time of year-- it's the end of summer Silverthread member party! Join us at the LOGE Camps Hotel for a potluck party on Tues 9/17 from 4-6pm (hopefully on the back patio at the fire pits). The main dish will be provided, just bring a treat to share. See you on Tuesday! (Do not go to the community building for the monthly potluck, you will be disappointed.)
LOGE Hotel
Past Event - Donkey Race
South Fork's Alder Ass Race 2024 - 121 donks and racers got their ass up the pass!
Ultimately, we just like the outdoors and the fact that we have over 155+ miles of trails in the area to explore. To promote activities and friendships that relate to being outdoors and enjoying the natural beauty of our area, we like to mix it up a bit on our adventures and get togethers. In the past we’ve enjoyed the following:
Guest speakers at monthly potlucks
Pizza potluck at Alder Guard Station
Rail biking at Revolution Rail
Three night backpack with Wayforward Adventures
Donkey hike at Big Meadows
Volunteering at South Fork’s Alder Ass Race
Exploring Zapata Falls / Sand Dunes National Park
Pop up picnics at various local campgrounds
ATV / UTV rides on the Alpine Loop (bring your own buggy)
Highway clean ups - Adopt A Hwy 160
Trail maintenance
Safety CPR certification classes
Chainsaw certification classes
South Fork 3rd of July parade float participants
Ugly sweater holiday party
Ski clinics at Wolf Creek Ski Area